ISO 27001 Certification


ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 27001:2013; is an information security standard for organization willing to improve their information to secured at any means for ISO 27001 Certification; organizations have to study, implement and audited for the standard; finally.

Indeed; it supersedes ISO/IEC 27001:2005 and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) under the joint ISO and IEC subcommittee. Since; it is a specification for an information security management system (ISMS). So; organisations which meet the standard may gain an official certification issued by an independent and accredited certification body on successful completion of a formal audit process; indeed.

Though; the official title of the standard is «Information technology— Security techniques — Information security management systems Requirements».

Since; information security management system is not only the need of every organization to secure their all types of information irrespective of documented or non-documented but also; with categorization of level of importance of information to arrange the security controls to that information. Therefore; certification audit ensures the obtained mechanism of organization during audit reference to the standard of ISMS and witness the implementation through audit reporting which remains valid till next audit.

ISO 27001:2013; has ten short clauses, plus a long annex  like ISO 9001, which cover:

  1. Scope of the standard
  2. How the document is referenced
  3. Reuse of the terms and definitions in ISO/IEC 27000
  4. Organisational context and stakeholders
  5. Information security leadership and high-level support for policy
  6. Planning an information security management system; risk assessment; risk treatment
  7. Supporting an information security management system
  8. Making an information security management system operational
  9. Reviewing the system’s performance
  10. Corrective action; finally.


Swiss Approval International guarantees an accredited certification. Therefore; giving to organizations the suitable passport for International market, ensuring with accuracy and independence the principles and rules established by the standard ISO 27001:2013.